Classify Movement States Based on Stability Analysis
This function analyzes movement tracking data to identify periods of high and low activity by detecting stable periods in the movement data. It returns a binary classification where 1 indicates high activity and 0 indicates low activity.
window_size = 30,
min_stable_period = 30,
tolerance = 0.1,
refine_transitions = TRUE,
min_low_state_duration = 0,
min_high_state_duration = 0,
search_window = 90,
stability_window = 10,
stability_threshold = 0.5,
return_type = c("numeric", "factor")
- speed
Numeric vector of speed or velocity measurements. If velocity is provided, absolute values will be used automatically
- window_size
Number of measurements to consider when calculating variance (default: 30)
- min_stable_period
Minimum length required for a stable period (default: 30)
- tolerance
Tolerance for variance in stable periods (default: 0.1, must be between 0 and 1)
- refine_transitions
Whether to refine state transitions using stability detection (default: TRUE)
- min_low_state_duration
Minimum duration for low activity states; shorter periods are merged using majority context (default: 0, no merging)
- min_high_state_duration
Minimum duration for high activity states; shorter periods are merged using majority context (default: 0, no merging)
- search_window
How far to look for movement transitions when refining (default: 90)
- stability_window
Window size for checking if movement has stabilized (default: 10)
- stability_threshold
Maximum variance allowed in stable state (default: 0.5)
- return_type
Should the function return "factor" ("high"/"low") or "numeric" (1/0) (default: "numeric")
Numeric vector of the same length as input:
1: High activity state
0: Low activity state
NA: Unable to classify (usually due to missing data)
The classification process follows these key steps:
Stability Detection:
Identifies stable periods in the movement data
Uses the longest stable period to establish a baseline for low activity
State Classification:
Sets an activity threshold based on the baseline period
Classifies periods that deviate from baseline stability as high activity
Optional Refinement:
If refine_transitions = TRUE, examines transitions between states to find precise start/end points using stability detection
Short duration states can be filtered based on min_low_state_duration and min_high_state_duration parameters using a majority context approach