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Creates a multi-panel visualization of keypoint position data over time. Each keypoint gets its own panel showing its x and/or y coordinates, with different colors distinguishing between x (orange) and y (blue) coordinates. Useful for visually inspecting movement patterns and identifying potential tracking issues.


plot_position_timeseries(data, reference_keypoint = NULL, dimension = "xy")



A data frame containing tracked keypoint data with the following columns:

  • time: Numeric time values

  • keypoint: Factor specifying the keypoint names

  • x: x-coordinates

  • y: y-coordinates


Optional character string. If provided, all coordinates will be translated relative to this keypoint's position. Must match one of the keypoint levels in the data.


Character string specifying which coordinates to plot. Options are:

  • "xy": Plot both x and y coordinates (default)

  • "x": Plot only x coordinates

  • "y": Plot only y coordinates


A ggplot object combining individual time series plots for each keypoint using patchwork. The plots are stacked vertically with shared axes and legends.

See also

translate_coords() for the coordinate translation functionality used when reference_keypoint is specified.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Plot all coordinates

# Plot coordinates relative to "head" keypoint
check_timeseries(movement_data, reference_keypoint = "head")

# Plot only x coordinates
check_timeseries(movement_data, dimension = "x")
} # }