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Replaces missing values by carrying forward the last observed value, with control over both minimum and maximum gap sizes to fill.


replace_na_locf(x, min_gap = 1, max_gap = Inf)



A vector containing numeric data with missing values (NAs)


Integer specifying minimum gap size to fill. Gaps shorter than this will be left as NA. Default is 1 (fill all gaps).


Integer or Inf specifying maximum gap size to fill. Gaps longer than this will be left as NA. Default is Inf (no upper limit).


A numeric vector with NA values replaced by the last observed value where gap length criteria are met.


The function applies both minimum and maximum gap criteria:

  • Gaps shorter than min_gap are left as NA

  • Gaps longer than max_gap are left as NA

  • Only gaps that meet both criteria are filled If both parameters are specified, min_gap must be less than or equal to max_gap.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
x <- c(1, NA, NA, 4, 5, NA, NA, NA, 9)
replace_na_locf(x)  # fills all gaps
replace_na_locf(x, min_gap = 2)  # only gaps >= 2
replace_na_locf(x, max_gap = 2)  # only gaps <= 2
replace_na_locf(x, min_gap = 2, max_gap = 3)  # gaps between 2 and 3
} # }