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Replaces missing values with a specified constant value, with control over both minimum and maximum gap sizes to fill.


replace_na_value(x, value, min_gap = 1, max_gap = Inf)



A vector containing numeric data with missing values (NAs)


Numeric value to use for replacement


Integer specifying minimum gap size to fill. Gaps shorter than this will be left as NA. Default is 1 (fill all gaps).


Integer or Inf specifying maximum gap size to fill. Gaps longer than this will be left as NA. Default is Inf (no upper limit).


A numeric vector with NA values replaced by the specified value where gap length criteria are met.


The function applies both minimum and maximum gap criteria:

  • Gaps shorter than min_gap are left as NA

  • Gaps longer than max_gap are left as NA

  • Only gaps that meet both criteria are filled If both parameters are specified, min_gap must be less than or equal to max_gap.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
x <- c(1, NA, NA, 4, 5, NA, NA, NA, 9)
replace_na_value(x, value = 0)  # fills all gaps with 0
replace_na_value(x, value = -1, min_gap = 2)  # only gaps >= 2
replace_na_value(x, value = -999, max_gap = 2)  # only gaps <= 2
replace_na_value(x, value = 0, min_gap = 2, max_gap = 3)  # gaps between 2 and 3
} # }