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animovement (development version)

animovement 0.2.0

Package name changed to animovement! To reflect the change in scope of the package to now cover a wide variety of movement data, the package has changed its name. This was a conscious decision as maintaining two packages with similar functionality wouldn’t be feasible long-term. The new update brings with it a wealth of new functionality, but also a lot of breaking changes. With this update, the package aligns much closer to my vision for it, and I expect no more major breaking changes in the near future. So let’s delve in to all the new stuff!

Although this is annoying to current users, it was a necessity to ensure proper testing of all the various functions which have now been broken into smaller subsets. If you still need the former trackballr package functionality, you can download the source files in Github and install from source.

If you encounter bugs, please report them in the Github issues.