Reads data from a LI-850 CO2/H2O analyzer file, cleans column names,
removes columns with NA values, and adds an elapsed time column.
Handles cases where headers are repeated mid-file.
- filepath
Character string specifying the path to the LI-850 data file.
File should be tab-separated with a one-line header.
A tibble containing the processed LI-850 data with:
All original columns except those containing NA values
Cleaned column names (lowercase, no spaces)
converted to HMS format
New time
column with seconds elapsed from start
Data combined across any mid-file header breaks
The function performs the following operations:
Reads the entire file and handles any mid-file headers
Cleans column names using janitor::make_clean_names()
Removes any columns containing NA values
Converts system time to HMS format
Adds an elapsed time column in seconds
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Read a LI-850 data file
data <- read_licor_li850("path/to/li850_data.txt")
} # }