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Reads data from a LI-850 CO2/H2O analyzer file, cleans column names, removes columns with NA values, and adds an elapsed time column. Handles cases where headers are repeated mid-file.





Character string specifying the path to the LI-850 data file. File should be tab-separated with a one-line header.


A tibble containing the processed LI-850 data with:

  • All original columns except those containing NA values

  • Cleaned column names (lowercase, no spaces)

  • system_time_h_m_s converted to HMS format

  • New time column with seconds elapsed from start

  • Data combined across any mid-file header breaks


The function performs the following operations:

  1. Reads the entire file and handles any mid-file headers

  2. Cleans column names using janitor::make_clean_names()

  3. Removes any columns containing NA values

  4. Converts system time to HMS format

  5. Adds an elapsed time column in seconds


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Read a LI-850 data file
data <- read_licor_li850("path/to/li850_data.txt")
} # }